WP-Multipurpose Help Guide
Upload the theme archive on your website.
After the theme is installed — activate it.
If you want to install the theme via ftp:
- Unzip the theme at local machine.
- Upload unzipped folder to server via FTP to worpdress/wp-content/themes.
- Activate the theme via WordPress Admin Panel.
Import Demo Content
When the theme is activated, WordPress will suggest you demo-content installation. Please do this, if you want the exact copy of our demo-website.
Or, if demo content was not installed after theme installation you can do it via Tools → Content Install:
This may take up to a few minutes.
Next, update WordPress database and login.
Editing Pages
Add a new web-page:
Enter Visual PageBuilder mode and drag the elements you want to see on your webpage from the control panel:
The elements can be edited by clicking on them (or on a pencil icon).
Here you can edit everything.
Visit the Theme Settings Page
After you activate the theme, go to Appearance >> Theme Settings.
We’ve given you several optional settings on the Theme Settings page, so feel free to look around, change a few settings, and see what sort of site you can create for yourself.
You will most likely want to configure all of the tabs:
- General (Logo, Site Name, Favicon, Layout, Background Image, Background Color, Top Bar)
- Contacts (Phone, E-mail, Site URL, Address — all with different icons)
- Social (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, RSS)
It is also possible to easily customize various styles used in the theme at Appearance >> Styles. These are for the header, content, sidebar and footer areas. Font families and sizes for titles (H1), subtitles (H2-H6), and body; colors for links and hover links; background gradient from/to colors and patterns.
You may also go to Appearance >> Customize to change the Site Title & Tagline, set Navigation, select what the Front Page shows, and select a Grid or Slider format to showcase Featured Content.
Add Some Content to Your Sidebar and Footer Widgets
Go to Appearance >> Widgets and place some content in your sidebar (Left Widget Area and/or Right Widget Area) and footer (Big Footer Widget Area and/or Small Footer Widget Area). This is also the page where you can place your Contacts and Social widgets in either left/right widget or big/small footer widget areas.
Be Sure to Change Your Permalink Settings
Go to Settings >> Permalinks and change your permalink structure to anything other than the default. This will help the theme run smoother, and it’s much better for SEO (search engine optimization).
Custom Menus
In WordPress 3.0 and above you are able to take advantage of the custom menus feature. Here is a short screencast to show you how it works.